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Carnets berbères et nord-africains
Carnets berbères et nord-africains
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20 janvier 2008

A Bibliography of Berber Language Materials [G-Z]

Kyra Jucovy and John Alderete
Swarthmore College, June 14, 2001

This bibliography is intended as a resource for research on Berber languages. The references below are primarily devoted to linguistic research on Berber languages, but the bibliography may be of use to those interested in Berber literature, poetry, and music. The list of entries was culled from a variety of sources, most notably Applegate 1970, and it is constantly being updated. Please send suggested modifications of the entries below and additions to:

    • via email:
    • via snail mail: Department of Linguistics, Rutgers University, 19 Seminary Place, New Brunswick NY, 08901-1184

This bibliography was supported in part by the National Science Foundation (BCS-0104604).

Gabelentz, Georg von der. 1893. Baskisch und Berberisch. Berlin. PubLg: German. Cat: historical linguistics, comparative linguistics.

Galand, Lionel. 1934? Berberes: La Langue. In Encyclopedia of Islam. Brill, E. J. (ed.). Leiden. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language, bibliography.

Galand, Lionel. 1950a. Deux exemples de linguistique psychologique. Hesperis 37: 438-42. PubLg: French. Cat: historical linguistics.

Galand, Lionel. 1950b. Onomastique de l’Afrique ancienne. In Revue Internationale d’Onomastique, 67-79. PubLg: French. Cat: historical linguistics, Libya.

Galand, Lionel. 1953. La phonetique en dialectologie berbere. Orbis 2: 225-33. PubLg: French. Cat: phonetics, historical linguistics, comparative linguistics.

Galand, Lionel. 1954. Un type de frontiere linguistique arabe et berbere dans le haouz de Marrakech. Orbis 3: 22-3. PubLg: French. Cat: dialect geography, Arabic, el-Haouz, Marrakech.

Galand, Lionel. 1955. Etat et proces. Hesperis 42: 245-51. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology, syntax.

Galand, Lionel. 1957. Un cas particulier de phrase non verbale ‘L’anticipation renforcee’ et l’interrogation en berbere. In Memorial Andre Basset, 27-37. Paris: A. Maisonneuve. PubLg: French. Cat: syntax, Morocco.

Galand, Lionel. 1964. L’enonce verbal en berbere. Etude de fonctions. Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 21: 33-53. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language, morphology, verbs.

Galand, Lionel. 1966a. Inscriptions libyques. In Inscriptions antiques du Maroc (Publications de la Section antiquite du Centre de recherches sur l’Afrique Mediterraneenne), 9-80. Galand, L et al (eds.). Paris: Editions du Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique. PubLg: French. Cat: inscriptions, orthography, Libyan, Morocco.

Galand, Lionel. 1966b. Les Pronoms personnels en berbere. Bulletin de la Societe de Linguistique de Paris 61: 286-298. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology, syntax.

Galand, Lionel. 1969. Types d’expansion nominale en berbere. Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 25: 83-100. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology, nouns.

Galand, Lionel. 1973. Lybique et berbere. In Annuaire de l’Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, IVe section, 173-79. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber languages, Libyan.

Galand, Lionel. 1974a. Defini, indefini, non-defini: les supports de determination en touareg. Bulletin de la Societe de Linguistique de Paris 69/1: 205-24. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology, nouns, Tuareg.

Galand, Lionel. 1974b. K. G. Prasse. Manuel de grammaire touaregue (tahaggart), I-III: Phonetique, ecriture, pronom; VI-VII: Verbe. Bulletin de la Societe de Linguistics de Paris 69: 295-99. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: Chadic Languages, Berber language, Tuareg, Tahaggart.

Galand, Lionel. 1977. Continuite et renouvellement d’un systeme verbal: le cas du berbere. Bulletin de la Societe de Linguistique de Paris 72/1: 275-303. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology, verbs.

Galand, Lionel. 1979a. Langue et litterature berberes: Vingt cinq ans d’etudes (Chroniques de l’Annuaire de l’Afrique du Nord). Paris: Editions du Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language, bibliography.

Galand, Lionel. 1979b. Relations du verbe et du nom dans l’enonce berbere. In Relations Predicat-Actants dans les langues de types divers. Paris, C. (ed.). LACITO documents, Eurasie 3. Paris: Societe d’Etudes Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France. PubLg: French. Cat: syntax, verb-noun agreement.

Galand, Lionel. 1983. Berbere et traits semitiques communs. Groupe Linguistique d’etudes chamito-semitiques 18-23: 463-478. PubLg: French. Cat: comparative linguistics, Semitic languages.

Galand, Lionel. 1988. Le berbere. In Les langues dans le monde ancien et moderne, vol. III: Les langues chamito-semitiques, 207-42, 303-6. Perrot, Jean and David Cohen (ed.). Paris: Editions du Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber languages.

Galand-Pernet, Paulette. 1957. Une tradition orale encore vivante. In Memorial Andre Basset, 39-49. Paris: A. Maisonneuve. PubLg: French. Cat: poetry, metrics.

Galand-Pernet, Paulette. 1972. Recueil de poemes chleuhs. Paris: Klincksieck. PubLg: French. Cat: poetry, Tashlhiyt.

Galand-Pernet, Paulette. 1984. Sur quelques bases radicales et champs morpho semantiques en berbere; Papers from 3rd Internat. Hamito Semitic Cong. In Current Progress in Afro Asiatic Linguistics, 291-303. Bynon, James (ed.). Amsterdam: Benjamins. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology, phonology, semantics.

Galand-Pernet, Paulette. 1987. S berbere, phoneme, morpheme. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Hamito Semitic Congress: Marburg, 20-22 September, 1983, 381-394. Jungraithmayr, Hermann and Walter W. Muller (eds.). Amsterdam: Benjamins. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology, phonology.

Garbini, Giovanni. 1974. La position du semitique dans le chamito-semitique. In Actes du premier congres international de linguistique semitique et chamito-semitique, 21-26. Caquot, Andre and David Cohen (eds.). The Hague: Mouton. PubLg: French. Cat: comparative linguistics, Semitic languages.

Garcia Gomez, Emilio. 1948. Al Hakam II y los bereberos segun texto inedito de Ibn Hayyan. Al-Andalus, vol. 13. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: sample texts, Al Hakam II, Ibn Hayyan.

Gaudefroy-Demombynes, M. 1914. Langues du Maroc. In Revue generale des sciences pures et appliques, 301-5. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language, Morocco.

Gautier, E. F. 1913. Repartition de la langue berbere en Algerie. Annis. Geogr. 22: 255-66. PubLg: French. Cat: dialect geography, Algeria.

Geslin, M. 1856. Rapport sur le tableau des dialectes de l’Algerie et des contrees voisines. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: dialect geography, Algeria.

Geze, Louis. 1885. De quelques rapports entre les langues berberes et basque. Mem. Soc. arch. Midi Fr. 2/3: 30-6. PubLg: French. Cat: comparative linguistics, Basque.

Ghirelli, Angelo. 1942. El Pais berbere. Madrid. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: Berber history.

Giese, Wilhelm. 1952. Los estudios de les lenguas canarias de E. Zyhlarz. Revue historique 18: 413-27. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: Berber language, Canary islands.

Glass, George. 1764. History of the discovery and conquest of the Canary Islands. London. PubLg: English. Cat: Berber history, glossary, Guanche, comparative linguistics, Tashlhiyt, Libyan.

Gourliau, Ernest. 1893. La conversation francaise-kabyle. Milan. PubLg: French. Cat: textbooks, Kabyle.

Gourliau, Ernest. 1898. Grammaire complete de la langue mzabite. Milan. PubLg: French. Cat: grammar, Mzabite.

Graberg, Jacob of Hemso. 1836. Remarks on the language of the Amazirghs. In Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 106-30. PubLg: English. Cat: Berber language, Amazirgh, sample texts, Tashlhiyt, Ghadames, glossary.

Greenberg, Joseph H. 1948. The classification of African languages. American Anthropologist 50: 24-30. PubLg: English. Cat: dialect geography.

Greenberg, Joseph H. 1955. Studies in African linguistic classification. New Haven: Compass. PubLg: English. Cat: dialect geography.

Greenberg, Joseph H. 1957. Essays in linguistics. Chicago. PubLg: English. Cat: dialect geography.

Greenberg, Joseph H. 1958. The labial consonants of Proto-Afro-Asiatic. Word 14/2-3, August-December: 295-302. PubLg: English. Cat: comparative linguistics, historical linguistics, phonetics, phonology.

Grimal de Guiraudon, Thomas. 1893. Dyebayli Vocabulary, from an Unpublished MS. A.D. 1831. In Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 669-98. PubLg: English. Cat: glossary, Dyebayli, Jebel Nefusi.

Grimme, Hubert. 1927. Nachtrag zur A. Klingenhebens Studie uber die berberischen Zahlmethoden. Zeitschrift fur Eingeborenen-Sprachen 17: 230-4. PubLg: German. Cat: Berber language.

Gsell, Stephane. 1913. Histoire ancienne de l’Afrique du Nord. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber history.

Guay, J. 1918. La forme feminine berbere a Sale. Les Archives berberes 31-32. PubLg: French. Cat: etymology, morphology, Sale, Moroccan Arabic.

Guerssel, Mohamed. 1976. Issues in Berber Phonology. Masters in Linguistics. Seattle: University of Washington. PubLg: English. Cat: phonology.

Guerssel, Mohamed. 1983a. Glides in Berber and syllabicity. Cambridge: MIT. PubLg: English. Cat: phonology, syllabification.

Guerssel, Mohamed. 1983b. An Outline of the Structure of Berber. ms. MIT. PubLg: English. Cat: Berber languages.

Guerssel, Mohamed. 1983c. A Phonological Analysis of the Construct State in Berber. Linguistic Analysis 11: 309-330. PubLg: English. Cat: morphology, phonology, morphophonology, construct state, nouns, Ait Seghrouchen, generative phonology.

Guerssel, Mohamed. 1985. The Role of Sonority in Berber Syllabification. Awal: Cahiers d’Etudes Berberes 1: 81-110. PubLg: English. Cat: phonology, syllabification.

Guerssel, Mohamed. 1986a. Glides in Berber and Syllabicity. Linguistic Inquiry 17/1: 1-12. PubLg: English. Cat: phonology, vowels, glides, syllabification.

Guerssel, Mohamed. 1986b. On Berber Verbs of Change: A Study ofTransitivity Alternations. Lexicon Project Working Papers 9, Center for Cognitive Science. Cambridge: MIT. PubLg: English. Cat: morphology, verbs.

Guerssel, Mohamed. 1986c. On phonological words, level ordered morphology and lexical relatedness. In A festschrift for Sol Saporta, 131-49. Brame, M., H. Contreras, and F.J. Newmeyer (eds.). Seattle: Noit Amrofer. PubLg: English. Cat: phonology, morphology, lexical phonology.

Guerssel, Mohamed. 1986d. The Status of the the Lexical Category ‘Preposition’ in Berber: Implication for the Nature of the Construct State. Studies in Berber Syntax. Lexicon Project Working Papers 14: 159-196, Center for Cognitive Science. Cambridge: MIT. PubLg: English. Cat: lexicology, morphology, prepositions, nouns.

Guerssel, Mohamed. 1987. Berber Causativization. In Current Approaches to African Linguistics, IV, 197-208. Odden, David (ed.). Dordrecht: Foris. PubLg: English. Cat: syntax, causativization, lexical structure, transformational generative grammar.

Guerssal, Mohamed. 1990a. Berber Verbal Derivational Morphology by Affixation and its Implications for Syllable Structure. ms. Montreal: Universite du Quebec a Montreal. PubLg: English. Cat: morphology, derivational morphology, morphophonology, syllabification.

Guerssal, Mohamed. 1990b. On the Syllabification Pattern of Berber. ms. Montreal: Universite du Quebec a Montreal. PubLg: English. Cat: phonology, syllabification.

Guerssel, Mohamed. 1992a. On the Case System of Berber. Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue Canadienne de Linguistique 37/2: 175-95. PubLg: English. Cat: syntax, morphology, nouns, case.

Guerssel, Mohamed, 1992b. The Phonology of Berber Derivational Morphology by Affixation. Lingustic Analysis 22/1-2: 3-60. PubLg: English. Cat: phonology, syllabification, phonological government, dialectology.

Guerssel, Mohamed. 1995. Berber Clitic Doubling and Syntactic Extraction. Revue Quebecoise de Linguistique 24/1: 111-33. PubLg: English. Cat: syntax, subject extraction, clitic doubling.

Halevy, Joseph. 1869. Etudes sur les langues de l’Afrique. Revue de Linguistique et de philologie comparee, October. PubLg: French. Cat: historical linguistics.

Halevy, Joseph. 1870. Lettre a M. d’Abbadie sur quelques langues du Nord de L’Afrique. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: comparative linguistics, North Africa.

Halevy, Joseph. 1874. Etudes berberes: Part I – Essai d’epigraphie Libyque. Journal Asiatique 7/3: 73-203, 4: 369-416. PubLg: French. Cat: orthography, Libyan.

Halevy, Joseph. 1905. L’origine des alphabets berberes. Journal Asiatique 10/7: 119. PubLg: French. Cat: orthography, historical linguistics, Libyan.

Halevy, Joseph. 1913. L’Inscription punique-berbere du temple de Masinissa. In Rev. sem. (possibly the Revue des Etudes Semitiques?), 136-8. PubLg: French. Cat: inscription, Punic, Masinissa.

Hammer-Purgstall, Joseph von. 1852. Neustes zur Forderung der Lander Sprachen und Volkerkunde Nord-Afrikas. Vienna. PubLg: German. Cat: Berber language.

Hamouma, H. 1985. La labialisation en Kabyle: etude phonetique. In Memoire de Maitrise. Paris III?: ILPGA. PubLg: French. Cat: phonetics, labialization, Kabyle.

Hamouma, H. 1987. Manuel de grammaire berbere [Kabyle]. Paris: Edition Association de Culture Berbere. PubLg: French. Cat: grammar, Kabyle.

Hamy, Jules T. E. 1900. Laboureurs et pasteurs berberes. In Association francaise pour l’avancement des sciences, 54-70. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: ethnography, Berber languages.

Hanoteau, Adolphe. 1857. Rapport sur un essai de grammaire de la langue des Kabyles et sur un memoire relatif a quelques inscriptions en caracteres touaregs. Versailles. PubLg: French. Cat: grammar, Kabyle, writing system, Touareg.

Hanoteau, Adolphe. 1858a. Une change kabile. Revue africaine 3: 75. PubLg: French. Cat: songs, Kabyle.

Hanoteau, Adolphe. 1858b. Essai de grammaire kabyle. Algiers. PubLg: French. Cat: grammar, Kabyle, Zouave, sample texts, Tuareg, glossary, Siwa, writing system.

Hanoteau, Adolphe. 1860a. Essai de grammaire de la langue Tamachek. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: grammar, Tamacheck, sample texts, dialect geography, maps, Algeria, writing system.

Hanoteau, Adolphe. 1860b. Lettre a M. Reinaud sur les noms de nombre en berbere. Journal Asiatique, vol. 2. PubLg: French. Cat: lexicography.

Hanoteau, Adolphe. 1867. Poesies populaires de la Kabylie. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: poetry, songs, Kabyle, Arabic.

Hanoteau, Adolphe. 1868. Akatcim ne diousis Ledzer s taqebailit. Algiers. PubLg: Zouave. Cat: sample texts, Zouave, translation into Zouave.

Hanoteau, Adolphe. 1869. Aktabe en tibratin d endjilen s taqebailit. Algiers. PubLg: Zouave. Cat: sample texts, Zouave, translation of part of New Testament into Zouave.

Hanoteau, Adolphe. 1872-73. La Kabylie et les coutumes kabyles. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber history, Kabyle.

Hanoteau, Adolphe. 1896a. Essai de grammaire de la langue tamacheck’, 2nd ed. Algiers: Jourdan. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language.

Hanoteau, Adolphe. 1896b. Les Iles Fortunees ou Archipel des Canaries. Brussels. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber history (Canary Islands).

Hanoteau, Adolphe. 1906. Essai de grammaire kabyle, 2nd ed. Algiers: Jourdan. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language.

Hanouz, Said. 1969. Grammaire berbere: La Langue, les origines du peuple berbere. Paris: Klincksieck. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language.

Harries, Jeanette. 1971. Verbless Sentences and `Verbs of Being’ in Tamazight. In Papers in African Linguistics, 113-22. Kim, Chin Wu and Herbert Stahlke (ed.). Edmonton, Canada: Linguistic Research, Inc. PubLg: English. Cat: paralingistics, syntax, Tamazight.

Harries, Jeanette. 1974a. Ernest T. Abdel Massih, Tamazight Verb Structure: A Generative Approach. Language: Journal of the Linguistic Society of America 50: 189-95. PubLg: English. Cat: Chadic Languages, Berber language, Tamazight.

Harries, Jeanette. 1974b. Tamazight Basic Course. University of Wisconsin, African Studies Program. PubLg: English. Cat: Berber languages, Tamazight.

Harries, Jeanette and Mohamed Raamouch. 1971. Berber Popular Songs of the Middle Atlas. African Language Studies 12: 52-70. PubLg: English. Cat: folklore, folk songs, folk literature, folk poetry.

Hart, David M. 1960. Tribal and place names among the Arabo-Berbers of north-western Morocco. Hesperis-Tamuda 1/3: 457-511. PubLg: English. Cat: tribal names, Morocco, toponymy.

Hector, P. 1929-31. A propos de psychologie linguistique berbere. In Maroc Cath. 1929: 527-8, 575-81, 642-6; 1930: 33-7, 94-8, 222-7, 329-32, 285-90, 639-45; 1931: 19-20, 346-7. PubLg: French. Cat: historical linguistics.

Hector, P. 1933. Essai de monographie psychologique berbere. Casablanca. PubLg: French. Cat: ethnography, Berber language.

Hendrick, Randall. 1990. Breton Prenomials, Binding and Barriers. In The Syntax of the Modern Celtic Languages, 121-165. Hendrick, Randall (ed.). New York: Syntax and Semantics. PubLg: English. Cat: comparison to Breton language, syntax, pronouns, barrier theory.

Hodge, Carleton T., Edward Ullendorff, J. Vergot, H.J. Polotsky, F.R. Palmer, Joseph R. Applegate, and Robert R. Terry. 1971. Afroasiatic: A Survey. The Hague: Mouton. PubLg: English. Cat: paralinguistics, Afro-Asiatic languages.

Hodgson, William B. 1829. Grammatical sketch and specimens of the Berber language. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, vol.1. PubLg: English. Cat: grammar, etymology.

Hodgson, William B. 1844. Notes on Northern Africa, the Sahara and Soudan. New York. PubLg: English. Cat: Berber language.

Hodgson, William B. 1848. The Narrative of Sidi Brahim ben Mohammed el-Susi. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, no. 18. PubLg: English. Cat: sample texts, Sidi Brahim ben Mohammed el-Susi, Tashlhiyt.

Holscher, Wilhelm. No date. Libyer und Agypter. Agyptologische Forschungen, vol. 4. PubLg: German. Cat: Berber history, Libyan, Egyptian history.

Horn, Heinz Gunter, and Cristoph B. Ruger (eds.). 1979. Die Numider: Reiter und Konige nordlich der Sahara (Kunst und Altertum am Rhein 96). Cologne: Rheinland-Verlag; Bonn: Rudolf Habelt. PubLg: German. Cat: Berber language, orthography.

Hooker, Joseph D. 1878. Journal of a tour in Morocco and the Great Atlas. London. PubLg: English. Cat: Berber language, Morocco, the Great Atlas, Shelluhe, glossary.

Hornemann, Friedrich. 1802. Tagebuch seiner Reise von Cairo nach Murzak in den Jahren 1797-98. Weimar. PubLg: German. Cat: Berber language, Siwa.

Hosotte-Reynaud, M. 1956. Publication de l’Institut des Hautes Etudes Marocaines. Limoges. PubLg: French. Cat: bibliography, Morocco, complete list of Institute publications 1936-1954 w/tables of contents for Hesperis.

Host, Georg H. 1779. Efterretingen om Marokos och Fes. Copenhagen. PubLg: Danish? Cat: Berber language, Morocco, glossary.

Humbert, Jean. 1822. Collectio epistolarum carminum bellicorum et eroticum. Leiden. PubLg: Latin. Cat: sample texts, Zouave.

Huyghe, G. No date. Dictionnaire francais-kabyle. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: glossary, Kabyle.

Huyghe, G. 1901. Dictionnaire kabyle-francais. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: glossary, Kabyle.

Huyghe, G. 1906. Dictionnaire francais-chaouia. Algiers. PubLg: French. Cat: glossary, Chaouia.

Huyghe, G. 1907. Dictionnaire chaouia-arabe-kabyle-francais. Algiers. PubLg: French. Cat: glossary, Chaouia, Arabic, Kabyle, comparative linguistics.

Iazzi, El M. 1991. Morphologie du verbe en Tamazight (parler des Ait Attab, Haut-Atlas Central), approche prosodique. In Memoire de DES. Rabat: Universite Mohamed V, Faculte des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology, verbs, Tamazight, Ait Attab, Haut-Atlas, prosody.

Ibanez, Esteban. 1942. La lengua bereber y el dialecto rifeno. Mauritania. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: comparative linguistics, Rifian.

Ibanez, Esteban. 1943a. Divergencias filologicas entre el arabe y el berber. In Verdad y Vida, 610-717. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: comparative linguistics, Arabic.

Ibanez, Esteban. 1943b. El Padre Sarrionandia y el problema de la linguistica rifeno-bereber. In Verdad y Vida, 226-29. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: historical linguistics, Rifian.

Ibanez, Esteban. 1944. Diccionario espanol-rifeno. Madrid. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: glossary, Rifian.

Ibanez, Esteban. 1947a. Mosaico linguistico de Marruecos espanol. In Africa, 52-3. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: dialect geography, Morocco.

Ibanez, Esteban. 1947b. Voces hispano-latinas en el dialecto rifeno. In Verdad y Vida, 365-81. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: historical linguistics, Rifian.

Ibanez, Esteban. 1949. Diccionario rifeno-espanol. Madrid: Instituto de estudios africanos. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: glossary, Rifian, Berber language, bibliography.

Ibanez, Esteban. 1954. Diccionario espanol-baamarani. Madrid. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: glossary, Baamarani, Berber language, dialect geography, map.

Ibanez, Esteban. 1957. El dialecto bereber del Rif. In Memorial Andre Basset, 51-6. Paris: A. Maisonneuve. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: Berber language, Rifian, comparative linguistics.

Ibanez, Esteban. 1959. Diccionario espanol-senhayi. Madrid. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: glossary, Senhaji, map, comparative linguistics, Rifian.

Ibn Batuta, and H. A. R. Gibb (trans.). 1929. Travels in Asia and Africa 1325-1354. London: Routledge. PubLg: English. Cat: Berber language.

Ibn Batuta, and Samuel Lee (trans.). 1829. Travels of Ibn Batuta. London. PubLg: English. Cat: Berber language.

Ibn Khaldun, ‘Abd-ar-Rahman Ibn Muhammad. 1956. Tarix Ibn-Khaldun Kitab al-‘ibar wa-diwan al-mubtada’ wal-xabar fi ajjam al-‘Arab wal-‘Agam wal-Barbar. Beirut: Dar al-kitab al-lubnani. PubLg: Arabic. Cat: Berber language.

Ibrahim ibn Muhammad al-Massi. 1837. Translation of a Berber manuscript. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, vol. 4. PubLg: English. Cat: manuscripts, Tashlhiyt, prepared by W. B. Hodgson.

Ibrahim ibn Muhammad al-Massi. 1882. Relation de Sidi Brahim de Massat. Basset, Rene (ed.). Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: sample texts, Sidi Brahim, Massat, Tashlhiyt.

Jackson, James G. 1809. An account of the Empire of Morocco and the District of Suse. London. PubLg: English. Cat: Berber language, Morocco, Tashlhiyt, Tamazight, Siwa, comparative linguistics.

Jebbour, Abdelkrim. 1984-5. La labio-velarisation en berbere – dialecte tachelhit (parler de tiznit). In Memoire de phonologie. Rabat: Universite Mohamed V, Faculte des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines. PubLg: French. Cat: phonology, labio-velarization, Tashlhiyt, Tiznit.

Jebbour, Abdelkrim. 1987. Le pluriel en tachelhiyt. These de Troisieme Cycle. Rabat: Universite Mohamed V, Faculte des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology, plurals, Tashlhiyt.

Jebbour, Abdelkrim. 1988. Processus de formation du plurel nominal en Tamazight (tachelhit de Tiznit, Maroc). In Memoire de DES. Rabat: Universite Mohamed V, Faculte des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology, nouns, Tamazight, Tashlhiyt, Tiznit, Morocco.

Jebbour, Abdelkrim. 1991. Structure sous-jacente du nom et etat d’annexion en berbere. Etudes et Documents Berberes 8: 27-51. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology, nouns, Tashlhiyt, Tiznit, Morocco.

Jebbour, Abdelkrim. 1992. De la combinatoire des affixes verbaux en berbere. Etudes et Documents Berberes 9: 37-53. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology, verbs, affixes.

Jebbour, Abdelkrim. 1993. A note on blind roots in Berber. Linguistica Communicatio 1-2: 211-24. PubLg: English. Cat: morphology.

Jebbour, Abdelkrim. 1995. Mores et Poids prosodique en berbere. Langues Orientales Anciennes. Philologie et Linguistique 5-6: 167-92. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology, prosody.

Jebbour, Abdelkrim. 1996a. Morphologie et contraintes prosodiques en berbere (tachelhit de Tiznit): Analyse linguistique et traitement automatique. These pour le Doctorat d’Etat. Rabat: Universite Mohamed V, Faculte des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology, phonology, morphophonology, prosody, syllabification, optimality theory.

Jebbour, Abdelkrim. 1996b. Syllable Weight and Syllable nuclei in Tachelhit Berber. Draft copy. PubLg: English. Cat: phonology, syllabification, Tashlhiyt, Tiznit.

Johnson, M. Jeanette. 1966. Syntactic structures of Tamazight. Los Angeles: UC Press (doctoral dissertation). PubLg: English. Cat: syntax, Tamazight.

Joleaud, L. 1933. Rites de l’eau et toponymie chez les Ait Hadidou. Journal de la Societe des Africanistes 3: 346-7. PubLg: French. Cat: ethnography, toponymy, Ait Hadidou.

Joly, Alexandre. 1909. Chansons du repertoire algerois. Revue africaine 53: 46-66. PubLg: French. Cat: songs, Algeria, sample texts.

Joly, Alexandre. 1909, 1910. Poesies de Sud. Revue africaine 53: 285-307; 54: 96. PubLg: French. Cat: poetry, sample texts.

Joly, Alexandre. 1913. Le Chaouiya des Ouled-Sellem. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: grammar, Chaouia, Ouled-Sellem, glossary.

Jomard, E. F. 1845. Seconde note sur une pierre gravee trouvee dans un Ancien tumulus et a cette occasion sur l’idiome libyan. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: orthography, Libyan.

Jones, Zacharias. 1715. Dissertatio de lingua silhense. In Oratio dominica in diversas linguas versa. Chamberlayne, John (ed.). Amsterdam. PubLg: Latin. Cat: Berber language.

Jordan, Antoine. 1934. Dictionnaire berbere-francais (Dialectes Tashelhayt). Rabat: Omnia. PubLg: French. Cat: glossary, Tashlhiyt.

Jordan, Antoine. 1935. Textes berberes. Rabat. PubLg: French. Cat: sample texts, Tashlhiyt.

Jouad, Hassan. 1983. Les elements de la versification en berbere marocain tamazight et tachelhit. Doctorat de Troisieme Cycle. Paris III (?): Universite de la Sorbonne Nouvelle. PubLg: French. Cat: poetry, metrics, Morocco, Tamazight, Tashlhiyt.

Jouad, Hassan. 1986. Metres et rythmes de la poesie orale en berbere marocain. Cahiers de Poetique Comparee 12: 105-127. PubLg: French. Cat: poetry, metrics, Morocco.

Jouad, Hassan. 1987. Les tribulations d’un lettre en pays chleuh. Etudes et Documents Berberes 2: 27-41. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language, Tashlhiyt.

Jouad, Hassan. 1990. La Metrique matricielle: Nombre, perception et sens. Bulletin de la Societe de Linguistique de Paris 85/1: 267-310. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: metrics, folk literature.

Judas, Auguste C. No date. Etude comparative de la langue berbere. Revue de l’orient et de l’Algerie [et des colonies] 3: 57. PubLg: French. Cat: comparative linguistics.

Judas, Auguste C. 1847a. Etude demonstrative de la langue phenicienne et de la libyque. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: comparative linguistics, Phonecian, Libya.

Judas, Auguste C. 1847b. Note sur l’alphabet berbere usite chez les Touaregs. In Journal Asiatique. PubLg: French. Cat: orthography, Tuareg, Tifinigh.

Judas, Auguste C. 1860-61. Memoire sur 19 inscriptions numidico-puniques. Annuaire. PubLg: French. Cat: orthography, Libyan.

Judas, Auguste C. 1863. Sur l’ecriture et la langue berbere dans l’antiquite et de nos jours. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: orthography.

Judas, Auguste C. 1871. Examen des memoires de M. le Dr. Reboud et de M. le General Faidherbe sur les inscriptions, orthography libyques. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: orthography, Libyan.

Jungfer, J. and A. Martinez Pajares. 1918. Estudio sobre appellidos y nombres de lugar Hispano-Marroquies. Madrid. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: lexicography, Morocco.

Justinard, Leopold V. 1914. Manuel de berbere marocain. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: textbook, Morocco, Tashlhiyt, grammar, sample texts, glossary.

Justinard, Leopold V. 1925. Poemes chleuhs recueillis au Sous. Revue du monde musulman 60: 63-107. PubLg: French. Cat: poetry, Tashlhiyt, Sous.

Justinard, Leopold V. 1925-6. Notes sur l’histoire du Sous au XIXe siecle. Hesperis 5: 265-76; 6: 351-64. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber history, Sous.

Justinard, Leopold V. 1926. Manuel de berbere marocain. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: textbook, Morocco, Rifian.

Justinard, Leopold V. 1928a. Notes d’histoire et de litterature berberes. Hesperis 5: 227-38; 7: 333-56. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber history.

Justinard, Leopold V. 1928b. Poesies en dialecte du Sous marocain. Journal Asiatique, vol. 213. PubLg: French. Cat: poetry, Sous, Morocco, Arabic.

Justinard, Leopold V. 1928c. Textes chleuhs de l’Oued Nfis. Memorial Henri Basset 1: 331-7. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: sample texts, Tashlhiyt, Oued Nfis.

Justinard, Leopold V. 1930. Les Ait Baamran. Villes et Tribus au Maroc, no. 8. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: ethnography, Ait Baamran, Morocco, sample texts.

Justinard, Leopold V. 1940. Notes sur l’histoire de l’Atlas. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber history.

Kenstowicz, Michael, Yousef Bader, and Rachid Benkeddache. 1982. The Phonology of State in Kabyle Berber. Champaign: University of Illinois. PubLg: English. Cat: phonology, nouns, Kabyle.

Kenstowics, Michael, Yousef Bader, and Rachid Benkeddache. 1985. The Phonology of State in Kabyle Berber. In African Linguistics: Essays in Memory of M. W. K. Semikenke, 319-334. Goyvaerts, Didier L. (ed.). Amsterdam: Benjamins. PubLg: English. Cat: phonology, nouns, Kabyle.

Klingenheben, August. 1926. Zu den Zahlmethoden in den Berbersprachen. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft 81: 90-1. PubLg: German. Cat: Berber language.

Koenig, E. 1839. Vocabulaires appartenant a diverses contrees de l’Afrique. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: glossary.

Koller, Ange. 1949. Essai sur l’esprit du Berbere marocain. Fribourg. PubLg: French. Cat: ethnography, Morocco, Berber language, bibliography.

Kossmann, Maarten Gosling. 1995. Schwa en berbere. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 16/1: 71-82. PubLg: French. Cat: phonology, schwa.

Kossman, Maarten Gosling. Forthcoming. Grammaire du Berbere de Figuig (Maroc Oriental). ms.(?). PubLg: French. Cat: grammar, phonology, Figuig, Morocco.

Kossmann, Maarten Gosling and Harry J. Stroomer, 1997. Berber Phonology. In Phonologies of Asia and Africa (Including the Caucasus), I-II: 461-75. Kaye, Alan S. (ed.). Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns. PubLg: English. Cat: comparative linguistics, phonology, orthography.

Krause, G. Adolf. 1884. Proben der Sprache von Ghat. Leipzig. PubLg: German. Cat: sample texts, Ghat.

Lanfry, Jacques. 1957. Deux Notes Grammaticales sur le Berbere de Ghadames. In Memorial Andre Basset, 57-60. Paris: A. Maisonneuve. PubLg: French. Cat: grammar, Ghadames.

Lanfry, Jacques. 1968. Ghadames, etude linguistique et ethnographique. Fort-National, Algeria: Fichier de Documentation Berbere. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber languages, Ghadames, ethnography.

Langles, Louis M. 1803. Memoire sur les Oasis. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language, Siwa, glossary.

Laoust, Emile. 1912. Etude sur le dialecte berber du Chenoua compare avec ceux des Beni-Menacer et des Beni-Salah. Bulletin de correspondance africaine 50. Paris: Leroux. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language, Chenoua, Beni-Menacer, Beni-Salah, grammar, example texts, glossary.

Laoust, Emile. 1918a. Etude sur le dialecte berbere des Ntifa. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language, Ntifa, grammar, example


Laoust, Emile. 1918b. Le nom de la charrue et de ses accessoires chez les berberes. Les Archives berberes 3: 1-29. PubLg: French. Cat: historical linguistics, etymology.

Laoust, Emile. 1920a. Coup d’oeil des etudes berberes. In Bulletin de l’Institut des Hautes Etudes Marocaines, 107-29. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language.

Laoust, Emile. 1920b. Cours de berbere marocain. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: textbook, Tashlhiyt, glossary.

Laoust, Emile. 1920c. Mots et choses berberes. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: ethnography, Morocco, sample texts.

Laoust, Emile. 1921. Noms et ceremonies des feux de joie chez les Berberes du Haut et de l’Anti-Atlas. Hesperis, vol. 1. PubLg: French. Cat: ethnography, Haut, Anti-Atlas, sample texts.

Laoust, Emile. 1923. Pecheurs berberes du Sous. Hesperis 3: 237-60, 297-361. PubLg: French. Cat: ethnography, Berber language, Sous.

Laoust, Emile. 1924a. Cours de berbere marocain. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: textbook, Tamazight, glossary.

Laoust, Emile. 1924b. Rapport sur les etudes de dialectologie berbere de 1920 a 1924. Hesperis 4: 455-9. PubLg: French. Cat: dialect geography, bibliography.

Laoust, Emile. 1924c. Le taleb et la mosquee en pays berbere. In Bulletin de l’Enseignement public de Maroc, 3-18. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber history.

Laoust, Emile. 1925. Un texte dans le dialecte berbere des Ait Messad. Melanges Rene Basset 2: 305-34. PubLg: French. Cat: sample texts, Ait Massad, grammar.

Laoust, Emile. 1927. Le dialecte berbere du Rif. Hesperis 7: 173-208. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language, Rifian.

Laoust, Emile. 1928. Chants berberes contre l’occupation francaise. Memorial Henri basset 2: 9-20. PubLg: French. Cat: songs, Morocco, sample texts.

Laoust, Emile. 1932. Siwa: son parler. Paris: Leroux. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language, Siwa, grammar, sample texts, glossary, bibliography.

Laoust, Emile. 1934a. Le nom berbere du qsar: ighrem. Hesperis 19: 188-90. PubLg: French. Cat: historical linguistics.

Laoust, Emile. 1934b. Siwa. In Encyclopedia of Islam, 482-5. Leiden. PubLg: French? Dutch? Cat: Berber language, Siwa.

Laoust, Emile. 1935. Cours de Berbere Marocain, Dialecte du Souss, du Haut-Atlas et de l’Anti-Atlas. Paris: Societe d’Editions Geographiques, Maritimes et Coloniales. PubLg: French. Cat: textbook, Morocco, Sous, Haut-Atlas, Anti-Atlas.

Laoust, Emile. 1939-40. Contribution a une etude de la toponymie du Haut Atlas. Revue des Etudes Islamiques 2: 201-312; 4: 27-73. PubLg: French. Cat: toponymy, Haut Atlas, based on maps of Jean Dresch.

Laoust, Emile. 1940. Le folklore marocain. Encyclopedie coloniale et Maritime, Le Maroc, ser. 4, 23: 429-56. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber history.

Laoust, Emile. 1947. Des noms berberes de l’ogre et l’ogresse. Hesperis 34: 253-65. PubLg: French. Cat: lexicography.

Laoust, Emile. 1949, 1950. Contes berberes du Maroc. (Pub.) l’Institut des Hautes Etudes Marocaines 50. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: sample texts, Morocco.

Laoust-Chantreaux, G. 1957. Sur l’emploi du demonstratif i. In Memorial Andre Basset, 97-105. Paris: A. Maisonneuve. PuLg: French. Cat: syntax, Kabyle.

Laperrine, -. 1909. Les noms des annees chez les Touareg du Ahaggar de 1875 a 1907. Revue africaine 53: 153-8. PubLg: French. Cat: lexicography, Tuareg, Ahaggar.

Laperrine, -. 1910. Noms donnes par les Touareg Ahaggar aux diverses Annees de 1860 a 1874. Revue africaine 54: 191-4. PubLg: French. Cat: lexicography, Tuareg, Ahaggar.

Lasri, Ahmed. 1986. La labialization en berbere chleuh. ms. PubLg: French. Cat: phonology, labialization, Tashlhiyt.

Lasri, Ahmed. 1989. Le /r/ et l’allongement compensatoire dans un parler rifian. ms. PubLg: French. Cat: phonology, compensatory lengthening, Rifian.

Lasri, Ahmed. 1991. Aspects de la phonology non-lineaire du parler berbere chleuh de Tidli. These de Doctorat. Paris: Universite de Paris III. PubLg: French. Cat: phonology, non-linear phonology, Tashlhiyt, Tidli.

Lauro, A. 1931. Gli studi berberistici in Italia. In L’Oltremare, 380-4. PubLg: Italian. Cat: Berber language.

Lavoie, Louise. 1995. De l'ergativite en Berbere. ms., to appear in the proceedings of the annual congress of the Canadian Linguistic Association. PubLg: French. Cat: syntax, ergativity.

LeBlanc de Prebois, P. 1897. Essai de contes kabyles. Batna. PubLg: French. Cat: sample texts, Kabyle.

Legey, Francoise. 1926a. Contes et legendes populaires du Maroc. Publications de l’Institut des Hautes Etudes Marocaines 16. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: sample texts, Morocco.

Legey, Francoise. 1926b. Essai de folklore marocain. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber history, Morocco.

LeGlay, Maurice. 1921a. Badda, fille berbere et autres recits marocains. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: sample texts, Morocco.

LeGlay, Maurice. 1921b. L’ecole francaise et la question berbere. In Bulletin de l’Enseignement public de Maroc. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber history.

LeGlay, Maurice. 1930. Le Berbere marocain. In Rev. Viv., 367-77. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language, Morocco.

Leguil, Alphonse. 1979. Evolution des correlations distinctives et significatives en Arabe et en Berbere. In 6º Colloque de linguistique Fonctionnelle. Rabat. PubLg: French. Cat: comparative linguistics, Arabic.

Leguil, Alphonse. 1981a. Le schema d’incidence en berbere. Bulletin des Etudes Africaines I/1: 35-42. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology.

Leguil, Alphonse. 1981b. Remarques sur la labio-velarite en berbere. Bulletin de la Societe de Linguistique de Paris 76: 20-23. PubLg: French. Cat: phonology, labiovelarization.

Leguil, Alphonse. 1982a. La naissance des temps en chleuh. Bulletin des Etudes Africaines II/3: 57-84. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology.

Leguil, Alphonse. 1982b. La phonologie au secours de la grammaire en Touareg. Bulletin de la Societe de Linguistique de Paris 77: 341-63. PubLg: French. Cat: phonology, grammar, Tuareg.

Leguil, Alphonse. 1983. La correlation de concomitance en touareg. Bulletin des Etudes Africaines de l’INALCO 6: 77-123. PubLg: French. Cat: phonology, Tuareg.

Leguil, Alphonse. 1987. Structures predicatives en berbere. These de doctorat d'etat. Paris: Universite de Paris III. PubLg: French. Cat: syntax, predicates.

Letourneux, A. 1878. Du dechiffrement des inscripions libyco-berberes. Proc. IVe Congr. Intern. Orient 1: 57-75. PubLg: French. Cat: orthography, Libyan.

Levi-Provencal, E. 1915. Une liste de surnoms populaires des tribus djebalah. Les Archives berberes, vol. 2. PubLg: French. Cat: lexicography, Djebalah.

Levi-Provencal, E. 1922. Les historiens des Chorfa. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber history, Chorfa.

Lewicki, T. 1934. Quelques textes inedits en vieux berbere provenant d’une chronique ibadite anonyme. Revue des Etudes Islamiques 3: 275-305. PubLg: French. Cat: sample texts, Ibadite.

Lewicki, T. 1936. Melanges berberes-ibadites. Revue des Etudes Islamiques 3: 267-86. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber history, Ibadite.

Lidzbarski, Mark. 1913. Eine Punisch-Altberberische Bilinguis aus einem Tempel des Massinissa. Sitzungsberichte der K. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, no. 15. PubLg: German. Cat: orthography, Libyan.

Littman, Enno. 1904. L’origine de alphabet libyque. Journal Asiatique 10/4: 423-40. PubLg: French. Cat: orthography, historical linguistics, Libyan.

Louali, Naima. 1990. L’emphase en berbere, etude phonetique, phonologique et comparative. These pour le Doctorat en Sciences du Langage. Lyon: Universite Lumiere Lyon 2. PubLg: French. Cat: phonetics, phonology, comparative linguistics, stress.

Loubignac, V. 1924, 1926. Etude sur le dialecte des Zaian et des Ait Sgougou. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language, Zaian, Ait Sgougou, grammar, sample texts.

Luciani, Jean D. 1897. El H’aoudh. Algiers. PubLg: French? Cat: poetry, Tashlhiyt, sample texts, poem by Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Brahim.

Luciani, Jean D. 1900. Chansons kabyles de Smail Azikkiou. Revue africaine 44: 44-59. PubLg: French. Cat: songs, Kabyle, Smail Azikkiou, sample texts.

Lumsden, J. and L. Trigo. 1987. The Causative, Passive, and Reciprocal in Berber. In Studies in Berber Syntax. Guerssel, M. and K. Hale (eds.). Lexicon Project Working Papers 14, Center for Cognitive Science. Cambridge: MIT. PubLg: English. Cat: morphology, verbs.

McClelland, Clive Wells, III. 1996. Interrelations of Prosody, Clause Structure and Discourse Pragmatics in Tarifit Berber. Doctoral dissertation, Arlington: University of Texas. PubLg: English. DocLg: Tarifit. Cat: phonology, prosody, syntax, pragmatics, Rifian.

MacGuckin de Slane, William. 1852-6. Histoire des Berberes. Algiers. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber history, translation of work by Ibn Khaldoun, appendix to Vol. 4 about Berber language and literature.

Maire, -. 1952. Flore de l’Afrique du Nord. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: lexicography.

Mammeri, Mouloud. 1950. Evolution de la poesie kabyle. Revue africaine 94: 125-48. PubLg: French. Cat: poetry, Kabyle.

Maraval-Berthoin, A. 1934. Chants du Hoggar. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: songs, Hoggar.

Marcy, Georges. 1931. Essai d’une theorie generale de la morphologie berbere. Hesperis 12: 50-89, 177-203. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology.

Marcy, Georges. 1932. Les phrases berberes des documents inedits d’histoire almohade. Hesperis 14: 61-77. PubLg: French. Cat: historical linguistics.

Marcy, Georges. 1933a. Note sur l’instabilite dialectale du timbre vocalique berbere et la conjugaison des verbes du type ‘neg.’ Hesperis 16: 139-50. PubLg: French. Cat: phonology, morphology.

Marcy, Georges. 1933b. Sur l’alternance ‘a/ad’ dans le pronom relatif commun en berbere du Sous. Bulletin de la Societe d’Archeologie Copte 34: 203-12. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology, Sous.

Marcy, Georges. 1934. Note sur le pronom relatif-demonstratif en berbere. Comptes rendus du Groupe Linguistique d’Etudes Chamito-Semitiques, vol. 1. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology.

Marcy, Georges. 1935a. A propos de berbere tafaska. In Proc. XIXe Congr. Intern. Orient., 145-8. PubLg: French. Cat: lexicgraphy, Tafaska.

Marcy, Georges. 1935b. Notes linguistiques autour du periple d’Hannon. Hesperis 20: 21. PubLg: French. Cat: historical linguistics.

Marcy, Georges. 1935c. Notes linguistiques relatives a la terminologie marocaine indigene des vents. Memoires, Societe des sciences naturelles du Maroc 41: 90-7. PubLg: French. Cat: lexicography, Morocco.

Marcy, Georges. 1936a. Les inscriptions libyques bilingues de l’Afrique du Nord. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: inscriptions, orthography, Libyan, North Africa.

Marcy, Georges. 1936b. Note sur le pronom relatif sujet et pseudo-participe dans les parlers berberes. Bulletin de la Societe d’Archeologie Copte 37: 45-57. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology.

Marcy, Georges. 1937a. Au sujet du nom berbere du fer. Comptes rendus du Groupe Linguistique d’Etudes Chamito-Semitiques, vol. 2. PubLg: French. Cat: historical linguistics, etymology.

Marcy, Georges. 1937b. Introduction a un dechiffrement methodique des inscriptions, orthography ‘tifinagh’ du Sahara central. Hesperis 24: 89-118. PubLg: French. Cat: inscriptions, orthography, Tifinigh, Sahara.

Marcy, Georges. 1938a. A propos du dechiffrement des inscriptions libyques. Algiers. PubLg: French. Cat: inscriptions, orthography, Libyan.

Marcy, Georges. 1938b. Quelques inscriptions libyques de Tunisie. Hesperis 25: 289-365. PubLg: French. Cat: inscriptions, orthography, Libyan.

Marcy, Georges. 1939. Fonctions originales dans les parlers berberes des pronoms demonstratifs-relatifs. Bulletin de la Societe d’Archeologie Copte 40: 151-73. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology.

Marcy, Georges. 1941a. Le mot ‘halluf’ est-il d’origine berbere. In Bulletin des etudes arabes, 106-7. PubLg: French. Cat: historical linguistics, etymology.

Marcy, Georges. 1941b. Observations sur le relatif futur en Touareg Ahaggar. Bulletin de la Societe d’Archeologie Copte 41: 129-33. PubLg: French. Cat: syntax, Tuareg, Ahaggar.

Marsden, William. 1802. Observations sur la langue siwahane. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language.

Masqueray, Emile. 1879. Comparaison d’un vocabulaire des Zenaga avec les vocabulaires correspondants des dialectes Chawia et des Beni Mzab. Archives des missions scientifiques et litteraires 3/5: 473-533. PubLg: French. Cat: comparative linguistics, glossary, Zenaga, Chawia, Beni Mzab.

Masqueray, Emile. 1881. Coup d’oeil d’histoire de l’Afrique septentrionale. Algiers. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber history.

Masqueray, Emile. 1885. Traditions de l’Aouras oriental. Bulletin de correspondance africaine 3: 72. Paris: Leroux. PubLg: French. Cat: sample texts, Aouras.

Masqueray, Emile. 1893-95. Dictionnaire francais-touareg. Algiers. Bulletin de correspondance africaine 11. PubLg: French. Cat: glossary, Tuareg.

Masqueray, Emile 1896-97. Observations grammaticales sur la grammaire Touaregue et textes de la Tamahaq des Taitoq. Basset, Rene, and M. Gaudefroy-Demombynes (eds.). Bulletin de correspondance africaine 18. Paris: Leroux. PubLg: French. Cat: grammar, Tuareg, example texts, writing system, Tamahaq, Taitoq.

Meillet, A. and M. Cohen. 1952. No title. In Les langues du monde, 156-64. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language.

Meinhof, Carl. 1931. Die libyschen Inschriften. Abhandlungen fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes, vol. 19, no. 1. PubLg: German. Cat: orthography, Libyan.

Mercier, E. 1924. La langue libyenne et la topographie antique de l’Afrique de Nord. In Journal Asiatique, 189-320. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber history, Libyan, North Africa.

Mercier, E. 1933. La numeration libyenne. Journal Asiatique 222: 263-322. PubLg: French. Cat: inscriptions, orthography, Libyan.

Mercier, Gustave. 1896. Le chaouia de l’Aures. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: grammar, Chaouia, Aures, sample texts.

Mercier, Gustave. 1897. Etude sur la toponymie berbere de la region de l’Aures. In Act. XIe Congr. Intern. Orient., 173-207. PubLg: French. Cat: toponymy, Aures.

Mercier, Gustave. 1900. Cinq textes berberes en dialect chaouia de l’Aures. Journal Asiatique 9/16: 189-249. PubLg: French. Cat: sample texts, Chaouia, Aures.

Mercier, Gustave. 1906. Le noms des plantes en dialecte chaouia. Act. XIVe Congr. Intern. Orient. 2: 79-82. PubLg: lexicography, Chaouia.

Mercier, Gustave. 1915. Notes sur l’etymologie du nom ‘rusccuru.’ Rec. Not. Mem. Soc. arch. hist. geog. Dept. Const. 48: 94-5. PubLg: French. Cat: historical linguistics, comparative linguistics.

Mercier, H. 1937. Vocabulaires et textes berberes dans le dialecte des Ait Izdeg. Rabat. PubLg: French. Cat: sample texts, glossary, Ait Izdeg.

Meyer, Alphonse. 1858. Origine des habitants de la Kabylie. Revue africaine 357. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber history, Kabyle narratives.

Meyerhof, Max. 1940. Un glossaire de matiere medicale de Maimonide. Melanges Maspero. Cairo. PubLg: French. Cat: glossary.

Minutelli, Frederico. 1903. Bibliografi della Libia. Turin. PubLg: Italian. Cat: bibliography, Libya, followed by Ceccherini 1915.

Minutoli, Heinrich C. 1824. Reise zum Tempel des Jupiter Ammon in der libyschen Wuste. . . in 1829-21. Berlin. PubLg: German. Cat: Berber language, glossary, Siwa.

Michell, G. B. 1902. Notes on a comparative table of Berber dialects. London. PubLg: English. Cat: comparative linguistics.

Mitchell, T. F. 1953. Particle-noun complexes in a Berber dialect (Zuara). Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London 15/2: 375-90. PubLg: English. Cat: morphology, Zuara.

Mitchell, T. F. 1957a. Long consonants in phonology and phonetics. In Studies in linguistic analysis, 182-205. Oxford: Oxford UP. PubLg: English. Cat: phonology, phonetics.

Mitchell, T. F. 1957b. Some properties of Zuara nouns. In Memorial Andre Basset, 83-96. Paris: A. Maisonneuve. PubLg: English. Cat: morphology, Zuara, morpho-phonology.

Moktadir, K. 1989. The Passive Form in Tashlhiyt Berber – A Prosodic Approach. In Memoire de DES. Rabat: Universite Mohamed V, Faculte des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines. PubLg: English. Cat: morphology, verbs, Tashlhiyt, prosody.

Mojand, Sid. 1914. El jardin de los deseos. Munoz, Issac (tr.). Madrid. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: poetry.

Monod, Thedore. 1932. L’Adrar Ahnet. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: inscriptions, orthography, North Africa, historical linguistics.

Monod, Thedore. 1938. Gravures peintures et inscriptions rupestres. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: inscriptions, orthography, Sahara.

Montagne, Robert. No date. Une tribu berbere du Sud marocain. Hesperis, vol. 4. PubLg: French. Cat: ethnography, Morocco, Berber language.

Monteil, Vincent. 1948. Notes sur Ifni et les Ait-Ba-Amran. (Notes et Documents) l’Institut des Hautes Etudes Marocaines 2. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language, Ifni, Ait-Ba-Amran.

Monteil, Vincent. 1950a. Contribution a l’etude de la flore du Sahara occidental. (Notes et Documents) l’Institut des Hautes Etudes Marocaines 5. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: lexicography, Sahara, Morocco, Rio de Oro, Mauritania, Senegal, bibliography, prepared with Charles Sauvage.

Monteil, Vincent. 1950b. Le part du berbere dans la toponomie du Sahara maure. Notes africaines 45: 21. PubLg: French. Cat: toponymy, Sahara, Mauritania.

Monteil, Vincent. 1951a. Contribution a l’etude de la faune du Sahara occidental. (Notes et Documents) l’Institut des Hautes Etudes Marocaines 9. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: lexicography, Sahara, Morocco, Rio de Oro, Mauritania, Senegal, bibliography.

Monteil, Vincent. 1951b. La part du berbere dans la toponymie du Sahara maure. In Act. IIIe Congr. Topon. Anthropon., 478-9. PubLg: French. Cat: toponymy, Sahara, Mauritania.

Monteil, Vincent. 1953. Contribution a l’etude de la flore du Sahara Occidental, vol. 2. (Notes et Documents) l’Institut des Hautes Etudes Marocaines 6. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: lexicography, Sahara, Morocco, Rio de Oro, Mauritania, Senegal, bibliography, prepared with Charles Sauvage.

Mordini, A. 1937. Les inscriptions rupestres tifinagh du Sahara et leur signification ethnologique. Ethnos 2/5: 333-7. PubLg: French. Cat: inscriptions, orthography, Tifinigh, Sahara.

Morestal, -. 1857a. Un chant kabile. Revue africaine 2: 500. PubLg: French. Cat: songs, Kabyle.

Morestel, -. 1857b. Chant kabile sur l’expedition de 1857. Revue africaine 2: 221. PubLg: French. Cat: songs, Kabyle.

Moulieras, Auguste J. 1890. Les fourberies de si Djeh’a. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: sample texts, Djeh’a, Kabyle.

Moulieras, Auguste J. 1893-98. Legendes et contes merveilleux de la Grande Kabylie. Bulletin de correspondance africaine 13. Paris: Leroux. PubLg: French. Cat: sample texts, Kabyle.

Moulieras, Auguste J. 1895. Les Beni-Izguen. Oran. PubLg: French. Cat: ethnography, Beni-Izguen, Berber language, Mzabi.

Muhammad al-Awzali. 1960. L’Ocean des Pleurs. Stricker, B. H. (tr.). Leiden. PubLg: French. Cat: poetry.

Muhammad ibn Ibrahim ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Zarhuni. 1940. La rihla du Marabout de Tasaft. Justinard, L. (tr.). Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: Arabic texts, Marabout, Tasaft, Berber history, Atlas.

Mukarovsky, Hans G. 1963. Die Grundlagen des Ful und das Mauretanische. Vienna: Herder. PubLg: German. Cat: Berber language.

Muller, -. 1827-29. Vocabulaire de la langue des habitants d’Audjela. In Relation d’un voyage dans la Marmarique, la Cyreniaique et les Oasis d’Audjelah et de Maradeh. Pacho, Raymond (auth?). Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: glossary, Audjela, Cyrenaica.

Munoz, Bosque A. c. 1920. Manual de conversacion bereber-rifena. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: textbook, Rifian.

Nehlil, -. 1909. Etude sur le dialecte de Ghat. Bulletin de correspondance africaine 38. Paris: Leroux. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language, Ghat, Tuareg.

Newman, Francis W. 1836. Outline of the Kabail grammar. W. Engl. Jl. Sci. Lit. PubLg: English. Cat: grammar, Kabyle.

Newman, Francis W. 1844. Of the Structure of the Berber language. London. PubLg: English. Cat: Berber language.

Newman, Francis W. 1845. A grammar of the Berber language. Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes 6: 245-336. PubLg: English. Cat: grammar.

Newman, Francis W. 1848. The narrative of Sidi Ibrahim ibn Muhammad el Messai el Susi. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 19: 215-66. PubLg: English. Cat: sample texts, Sidi Ibrahim ibn Muhammad el Messai el Susi, Tashlhiyt.

Newman, Francis W. 1857. Worterbuch des Dialektes der Auelimmiden. Gotha. PubLg: German. Cat: glossary, Auelimmiden.

Newman, Francis W. 1880. Notes on the Libyan languages. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 12: 417-34. PubLg: English. Cat: historical linguistics, Libya.

Newman, Francis W. 1882. Libyan vocabulary. London. PubLg: English. Cat: Berber language, Libya, historical linguistics, Kabyle, Tashlhiyt, Ghadames, Tuareg.

Newman, Francis W. 1887. Kabail vocabulary supplemented by the aid of a new source. London. PubLg: English. Cat: glossary, Kabyle.

Nicolas, Francis. 1938. Les industries de protection chez les Tuareg de l’Azawagh. Hesperis 25: 43-85. PubLg: French. Cat: ethnography, Tuareg, Azawagh, Berber language.

Nicolas, Francis. 1941-42. Poemes touaregs. (Bulletin) Memoires d’Institut Francias d’Afrique Noire, vol. 6. PubLg: French. Cat: poetry, Tuareg.

Nicolas, Francis. 1944. Folklore twareg. (Bulletin) Memoires d’Institut Francias d’Afrique Noire, vol. 6. PubLg: French. Cat: poetry, songs, Tuareg, Azawak River.

Nicolas, Francis. 1946-69. Dictons proverbes et fables de la Tamacheq des Iullemeden. Antrhopos 4: 41-4; 6: 807-16. PubLg: French. Cat: texts, Tamacheq, Iullemeden, Tuareg, Niger.

Nicolas, Francis. 1950. Inscriptions et gravures rupestres. Memoires d’Institut Francais d’Afrique Noire 10: 541-51. PugLg: French. Cat: inscriptions, orthography, Sahara.

Nicolas, Francis. 1951. Textes ethnographiques de la Tamajeq des Iullemeden de l’Est. Anthropos 46: 754-800. PubLg: French. Cat: sample texts, Tamacheq, Iullemeden, Tuareg.

Nicolas, Francis. 1953. La langue berbere de Mauritanie. Memoires d’Institut Francaise d’Afrique Noire 33. Dakar. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language, Mauritania, historical linguistics, sample texts, glossary.

Nour ben Si Lounis and Moka Messaoud ben Yahia. 1897. Grammaire mozabite. Algiers. PubLg: French. Cat: grammar, Mozabite.

O’Connor, M. 1996. The Berber Scripts. In The World’s Orthography, 112-16. Daniels, Peter T. and William Bright (eds.). New York: Oxford UP. PubLg: English. Cat: orthography, Tashlhiyt, Tuareg.

Olivier, M. G. 1867-8. Recherches sur l’origine des Berberes. Bulletin Academie d’Hippone. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber history, Berber language.

Olivier, M. G. 1878. Dictionnaire francaise-kabyle. Le Puy. PubLg: French. Cat: glossary, Kabyle.

Ostoya-Delmas, S. 1938. Notes preliminaires l’etude des parlers de l’arrondissement de Phillipeville. Revue africaine 82: 60-83. PubLg: French. Cat: grammar, Phillipeville, maps.

Ouakrim, Omar. 1993a. An Acoustic Parameter Distinguishing Tenseness from Gemination in Berber. In Actes du XVe Congres International des Linguistics, Quebec, Universite Laval, 9-14 aout 1992: Les Langues menacees/Endangered Languages: Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Linguists, Quebec, Universite Laval, 181-84. Crochetiere, Andre, Jean Claude Boulanger, and Conrad Ouellon (eds.). Sainte Foy: PU Laval. PubLg: English. Cat: phonetics, acoustic phonetics, vowel duration, gemination.

Ouakrim, Omar. 1993b. VOT, Occlusion, and Duration as Distinctive Features in Berber. In Actes du XVe Congres International des Linguistics, Quebec, Universite Laval, 9-14 aout 1992: Les Langues menacees/Endangered Languages: Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Linguists, Quebec, Universite Laval, 181-84. Crochetiere, Andre, Jean Claude Boulanger, and Conrad Ouellon (eds.). Sainte Foy: PU Laval. PubLg: English. Cat: phonetics, acoustic phonetics.

Ouhalla, Jamal. 1989. Clitic Movement and the ECP: Evidence from Berber and Romance Languages. Lingua: International Review of General Linguistics 79/2-3: 165-215. PubLg: English. Cat: syntax, clitic placement, binding theory.

Ouhalla, Jamal. 1997. Genitive Subjects and the VSO Order. In Studies on Universal Grammar and Typological Variation, 197-218. Alexiadou, Artemis and T. Alan Hall (eds.). Amsterdam: Benjamins. PubLg: English. Cat: syntax, word order, subject, genitive case, comparative.

Ostoya-Delmas, S. 1938. Notes preliminaires l’etude des parlers de l’arrondissement de Phillipeville. Revue africaine 82: 60-83. PubLg: French. Cat: grammar, dialect geography, maps.

Paradisi, Umberto. 1961. El Fogaha oasi berberofona del Fezzan. Rivista degli Studi Orientali XXXVI/3-4: 293-302. PubLg: Italian. Cat: lexicography, Fogaha, Fezzan.

Paul, Marguerite L. 1905. Chants berberes du Maroc. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: songs, Morocco.

Pelekus, -. 1933. Les tifinars berberes et l’origine de l’ecriture. Atlantis 47: 141-4. PubLg: French. Cat: orthography, Tifinigh, historical linguistics.

Pellat, Charles. 1947. Deux textes dans le parler berbere des Ait Zeggu le Mestigmeur. Revue africaine 19: 254-9. PubLg: French. Cat: sample texts, Ait Zeggu, Mestigmeur, Morocco.

Pellat, Charles. 1955. Textes berberes dans le parler des Ait Seghrouchen de la Moulouya. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: sample texts, Ait Seghrouchen, Moulouya, Morocco, glossary.

Pellat, Charles. 1957. am et zun(d) ‘comme’ en berbere. In Memorial Andre Basset, 97-105. Paris: A. Maisonneuve. PubLg: French. Cat: syntax, morphology.

Penchoen, Thomas. 1966. Etude syntaxique du parler berbere des Ait-Frah (Aures). Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Universite de Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: syntax.

Penchoen, Thomas. 1973. Tamazight of the Ayt Ndiht. In Afroasiatic Dialects 1. LA: Undena Publications. PubLg: English. Cat: Berber languages, Tamazight, Ayt Ndiht.

Pennacchiettie, F. A. 1978. Considerazioni sulla preposizione berbera n. In Atti del secondo congresso internazionale di linguistica camito semitica, Firenze, 16-19 aprile 1974, 307-314. Fronzaroli, Pelio (ed.). Florence: Inst. Di Ling. e di Lingue Orientali. PubLg: Italian. Cat: morphology, grammar, prepositions.

Peregrin, G. 1944. Rudimentos de bereber rifeno. Tetuan. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: textbook, Rifian.

Petites Soeurs de Jesus, Agadez, Niger. 1968. Initiation a la langue des Touaregs de l’Air. Paris: Societe d’Etudes Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France. PubLg: French. Cat: textbook, phonology, Tuareg, Air.

Petites Souers de Jesus, Agadez, Niger. 1974. Contes Touaregs de l’Air. Paris: Publie avec le concours du Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique. PubLg: French. Cat: grammatical introduction by Lionel Galand, sample texts(?), phonology, Tuareg, Air.

Peyrigueres, P. 1930. Psychologie linguistique berbere. In Compte rendu Des Conferences de l’annee 1930, 27-32. PubLg: Grench. Cat: historical linguistics.

Peysonnel, Jean A. 1838. Voyages dans les Regences de Tunis et d’Alger. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language, glossary, Zouave.

Pharaon, Florian, and J. Pharaon. 1839. Les Cabiles de Bougie. Algiers. PubLg: French. Cat: ethnography, Kabyle, Bougie, glossary.

Picard, Andre. 1948. Complements a la toponymie berbere. Onomastica 2: 127-32. PubLg: French. Cat: toponymy, maps.

Picard, Andre. 1957. Du preterit intensif en berbere. In Memorial Andre Basset, 107-20. Paris: A. Maisonneuve. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology, comparative linguistics, Tuareg, Kabyle.

Picard, Andre. 1959. Textes berberes dans le parler des Irjen. Algiers. PubLg: French. Cat: sample texts, Irjen, Kabyle.

Picard, Andre. 1960. De quelques faits de stylistique dans le parler Berbere des Irjen. Publications de l’Institut d’Etudes orientales d’Alger 19. Algiers: Carbonel. PubLg: French. Cat: grammar, Irjen, expressive language, Kabyle.

Pietschmann, Richard. 1879. Uber die kanarischen Zahlworte. In Zeitshrift fur Ethnologie. PubLg: German. Cat: historical linguistics, Canary Islands, etymology.

Plault, M. 1946. Etudes berberes: La langue berbere dans la commune mixte de Barika; La langue berbere dans la commune mixte du Guergour. Revue africaine 90: 194-207. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language, Barika, Guergour.

Playfair, Robert L. 1888. A bibliography of Algeria. London. PubLg: English. Cat: bibliography, Algeria, works 1541-1887.

Playfair, Robert L. 1898. Supplement to the Bibliography of Algeria. London. PubLg: English. Cat: bibliography, Algeria, supplements Playfair 1888, works 470 BCE – 1895 CE.

Playfair, Robert L. and Robert Brown. 1892. A bibliography of Morocco. London. PubLg: English. Cat: bibliography, Morocco.

Porinet, -. 1940-45. Berbere Tachelhajt. Dialecte du Haut-Atlas, de Marrakech, du Siroua, de l’Anti-Atlas et du Souss. ms. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber languages, Tashlhiyt, Haut-Atlas, Marrakech, Siroua, Anti-Atlas, Sous.

Prasse, Karl G. 1957a. Le probleme berbere des radicales faibles. In Memorial Andre Basset, 121-30. Paris: A. Maisonneuve. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology, morpho-phonology, Tuareg.

Prasse, Karl G. 1957b. Les relations de sexe, d’age et de sang. Enquete sur la terminologie dans le dialecte berbere des Ayt-Sadden. Acta Orientalia, ediderunt Societates Orientales Danica Norvegica Svecica (Le Monde Oriental) XXII/3-4: 119-41. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language.

Prasse, Karl G. 1959a. Analyse semantique des verbes derives par prefixe en touareg. Acta Orientalia, ediderunt Societates Orientales Danica Norvegica Svecica (Le Monde Oriental) XXIV/3-4: 147-60. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology, semantics, Tuareg.

Prasse, Karl G. 1959b. L’origine du mot amaziy. Acta Orientalia, ediderunt Societates Orientales Danica Norvegica Svecica (Le Monde Oriental) XXIII/3-4: 197-200. PubLg: French. Cat: lexicography, historical linguistics, etymology.

Prasse, Karl G. 1960. Notes sur la langue touaregue. Acta Orientalia, ediderunt Societates Orientales Danica Norvegica Svecica (Le Monde Oriental) XXV/1-2: 42-111. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language, Tuareg, phonology, sample texts.

Prasse, Karl G. 1963. Les affixes personnels du verbe berbere (Touareg). Acta Orientalia, ediderunt Societates Orientales Danica Norvegica Svecica (Le Monde Oriental) XXVII/1-2. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology, Tuareg.

Prasse, Karl G., C. L. Patterson (tr.), T. F. Mitchell (tr.). 1964. The Origin of Berber Noun Prefixes. In The Proceedings of the First International Congress of Africanists, Accra 11th 18th December 1962, 97-104. Bown, Lalage and Michael The Classical Reviewowder (eds.). PubLg: English. Cat: African Literature, historical linguistics, morphology, nouns, affixes.

Prasse, Karl G. 1969. A propos de l’origine de h touareg (tahaggart). Copenhagen: Royal Danish Academy of Science & Letters. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language, Tuareg, Tahaggart, phonology, historical linguistics.

Prasse, Karl G. 1973. Manuel de grammaire Touaregue [tahaggart]. Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen. PubLg: French. Cat: grammar, phonetics, orthography, pronouns, Tuareg, Tahaggart, 3 vols.

Prasse, Karl G. 1974. Etablissement d’un nouveau phoneme vocalique en berbere oriental ou saharien (touareg, etc.) a voyelle centrale distinct de e. In Actes du premier congres international de linguistique semitique et chamito semitique, Paris, 16-19 juillet 1969, 87-89. Caquot, Andre and David Cohen (eds.). The Hague: Mouton. PubLg: French. Cat: Chadic languages, Berber language, phonology, vowels Tuareg.

Prasse, Karl G. 1975. The Reconstruction of Proto Berber Short Vowels; Proceedings of a Colloquium Held by the Hist. Sect. of the Ling. Assn. (Great Britain) at the School of Oriental & African Studies, Univ. of London, on the 18th, 19th, & 20th of March, 1970. In Hamito Semitica, 215-32. Bynon, James, Theodora Bynon, R. A. The Classical Reviewossland, I. M. Diakonoff (eds.). The Hague: Mouton. PubLg: English. Cat: Chadic languages, Berber language, phonology, vowels, historical linguistics.

Prasse, Karl G. 1978. Differences dialectales dans la morphologie des verbes de qualite berberes. In Atti del secondo congresso internazionale di linguistica camito semitica, Firenze, 16-19 aprile 1974, 315-319. Fronzaroli, Pelio (ed.). Florence: Inst. Di Ling. e di Lingue Orientali. PubLg: French. Cat: morphology, dialectology, grammar, verbs, verbs of quality.

Prasse, Karl G. 1980. Les Conjugaisons IV et XIII en touareg du Niger: Verbes de qualite permanente. Etudes Linguistiques: Revue du Departement de Linguistique de l’Universite de Niamy 2:2: 17-28. PubLg: English. Cat: morphology, Tuareg.

Prasse, Karl G. 1984. The Origin of the Vowels o and e in Twareg and Ghadamsi. In Current Progress in Afro-Asiatic Linguistics (Proceedings of the Third International Hamito-Semitic Congress, March 1978), 317-26. Amsterdam: Benjamins. PubLg: English. Cat: historical linguistics, phonology, vowels, Tuareg, Ghadames.

Prince, Alan and Paul Smolensky. 1993. Optimality in Grammar: Core Syllabification in Imdlawn Tashlhiyt Berber. In Optimality Theory: Constraint Interaction in Generative Grammar, 11-21. Prince, Alan and Paul Smolensky (auths.). New Brunswick: Rutgers University; Boulder: University of Colorado. PubLg: English. Cat: phonology, optimality theory, Tashlhiyt, Imdlawn, syllabification.

Provotelle, -. 1911. Etude sur la Tamazir’t ou Zenatia de Qalaat es – Sened. Bulletin de correspondance africaine 46. Paris: Leroux. PubLg: French. Cat: grammar, Tamarzir’t, Qalaat es – Sened, Tunisia, sampel texts, glossary.

Raynaud, Henri. 1943. Notes de philologie berbere. L’Ethnographie 41: 84-92. PubLg: French. Cat: historical linguistics.

Reboud, V. 1875. Recueil d’inscriptions libyco-berberes. Rec. Not. Mem. Soc. arch. hist. geog. dept. Const., 43 et. Seq. PubLg: French. Cat: orthography, Libyan.

Reinaud, Joseph T. 1856. Rapport sur le tableau des dialectes de l’Algerie. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: dialect geography, Algeria.

Reinaud, Joseph T. 1858. Rapport sur en essai de grammaire de la langue de Kabyles et sur un memoire relatif a quelques inscriptions, orthography en caracteres Touaregs. Revue de l’orient et de l’Algerie [et des colonies] 6: 162. PubLg: French. Cat: grammar, Kabyle, writing system, Tuareg.

Reinaud, Joseph T. 1861. Notices sur les dictionnaires geographiques arabes et sur le systeme primitif de la numeration chez les peuples de race berbere. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: glossary, Arabic.

Renan, Ernest. 1863. Histoire generale et systeme compare des langues semitique. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: historical linguistics, comparative linguistics.

Renaud, H. and G. S. Colin. 1934. Tuhfat al-ahbab. Paris: PubLg: French. Cat: glossary, Morocco.

Renisio, Amidee. 1932. Etude sur les dialectes berberes des Beni Iznassen, du Rif et des Senhaja de Srair. Publication de l’Institut des Hautes Etudes Marocaines 22. PubLg: French. Cat: grammar, Beni Iznassen, Rifian, Senhaja, Srair, Morocco, Algeria, sample texts, glossary.

Resink, Pieter. 1984. Similitudes Syntaxiques en Arabe et Berbere Maghrebins. In Papers from 3rd International Hamito-Semito Cong.: Current Progress in Afro-Asiatic Lingistics., 324-53. Bynon, James (ed.). Amsterdam: Benjamins. PubLg: French. Cat: syntax, comparative linguistics, Arabic, North Africa.

Reygasse, Maurice. 1932. Contribution a l’etude des gravures rupestres et inscriptions, orthography Tifinar’ du Sahara central. In Cinquantenaire de l’Universite d’Alger, Faculte des Lettres, 437-534. Algiers. PubLg: French. Cat: inscriptions, orthography, Tifinigh, Sahara.

Reyniers, F. 1930. Tauograt oulles Berberes racontes par eux-memes. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: sample texts, Tashlhiyt.

Richardson, James. 1846. First chapter of the Gospel according to St. Matthew. London. PubLg: Kabyle? Cat: sample texts, Kabyle, translation of Matthew’s Gospel into Kabyle?

Richardson, James. 1847. Touarick alphabet with the corresponding Arabic and English letters. London. PubLg: English. Cat: orthography, Tuareg, Tifinigh, Arabic, glossary, Ghadames, Kabyle, sample texts.

Richardson, James. 1860. Travels in Morocco. London. PubLg: English. Cat: Berber language, Morocco.

Rinn, Louis. 1881-9. Essai d’etudes linguistiques et ethnologiques sur les origines berberes. In Revue africaine. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber history, published in installments, same information as Rinn 1889.

Rinn, Louis. 1887a. Deux chansons kabyles sur l’insurrection de 1871. Revue africaine 31: 55-71. PubLg: French. Cat: songs, Kabyle.

Rinn, Louis. 1887b. Lettres de Touareg. Revue africaine 31: 321-40. PubLg: French. Cat: orthography, Tuareg, Tifinigh.

Rinn, Louis. 1887c. Note indiquant le nom de l’auteur des deux chansons Kabyles sur l’insurrection de 1871. Revue africaine 31: 240. PubLg: French. Cat: songs, Kabyle, comment on Rinn 1887a.

Rinn, Louis. 1889. Les oringines berberes. Algiers. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber history, sociology, Berber language, same information as Rinn 1881-9.

Riviere, Joseph. 1882. Recueil de contes populaires de la Kabylie de Djurdjura. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: texts, Kabyle, Djurdjura.

Robecchi-Bricchetti, Luigi. 1889. Sul dialetto di Siwah. Rc. Accademia dei Lincei, vol. 5. PubLg: Italian. Cat: Berber language, Siwa.

Rochemonteix, M. de. 1876. Les rapports grammaticaux qui existent entre l’Egyptien et le Berbere. Mem. Congr. Intern. Orient. 2: 67-106. PubLg: French. Cat: comparative linguistics, grammar, Egyptian.

Rochemonteix, M. de. 1889. Documents pour l’etude du Berbere: Contes du Sous et de l’Oasis de Tafilelt. Journal Asiatique 8/13: 198-228, 402-27. PubLg: French. Cat: sample texts, Sous, Tafilelt Oasis, manuscripts.

Rodd, Peter R. 1928. Translation of Tuareg poems. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London 5: 109-12. PubLg: English. Cat: poetry, Tuareg, sample texts.

Roget, Raymond. 1924. Le Maroc chez leas auteurs anciens. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber history, references to North Africa in classical literature, place names.

Rohlfs, Gerhard. 1872. Die Zahlzeichen der Rhadamser. Ausland 29: 695-6. PubLg: German. Cat: lexicography, Rhadames.

Rose, J. 1923. Herodotus and Westermarck. In The Classical Review, 165. PubLg: English. Cat: comparative linguistics, Libyan.

Rossler, Otto. 1952. Der Semitische Charakter der libyschen Sprache. Z. Ass. vord. arch. 16: 121-50. PubLg: German. Cat: historical linguistics, Libyan.

Rossler, Otto. 1958. Die Sprache Numidiens. In Sybaris, 94-120. PubLg: German. Cat: comparative linguistics, Numidian.

Rossler, Otto. 1979a. Bilingue von Thugga. In Die Numider: Reiter und Konige nordlich der Sahara (Kunst und Alterum am Rhein 96), 576-77. Horn, Heinz Gunter and Christoph B. Ruger (eds.). Cologne: Rheinland-Verlag; Bonn: Rudolf Habelt. PubLg: German. Cat: inscriptions, orthography, Libyan.

Rossler, Otto. 1979b. Die Numider: Herkunft-Schrift-Sprache. In Die Numider: Reiter und Konige nordlich der Sahara (Kunst und Alterum am Rhein 96), 89-97. Horn, Heinz Gunter and Christoph B. Ruger (eds.). Cologne: Rheinland-Verlag; Bonn: Rudolf Habelt. PubLg: German. Cat: inscriptions, orthography, Libyan.

Roux, Arsene. 1928. Les imdyazen ou aedes berbers du groupe linguistique beraber. Hesperis 8: 231. PubLg: French. Cat: poetry, Amdyaz, Aede, Morocco.

Roux, Arsene. 1932. Un chant d’amdyaz, l’aede berbere du groupe linguistique beraber. Memorial Henri Basset 2: 237-42. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: poetry, Amdyaz, Aede, Morocco, sample texts.

Roux, Arsene. 1935. Le verbe dans les parlers berberes de Ighezran, Beni Alaham et Marmoucha. Bulletin de la Societe d’Archeologie Copte 35: 43-58. PubLg: French. Cat: comparative linguistics, morphology, Ighezran, Beni Alaham, Marmoucha.

Roux, Arsene. 1936. Quelques argots arabes et berberes du Maroc. IIe Congr. Fed. Soc. sav. Afr. Nd. 2/2: 1067-88. Algiers. PubLg: French. Cat: lexicography, Arabic, Morocco.

Roux, Arsene. 1938. Poesie populaire arabo-berbere du Maroc central. In IVe Congr. Fed. Soc. Sav. Afr. Nd., 865-72. Rabat. PubLg: French. Cat: poetry, Morocco.

Roux, Arsene. 1942a. Recits contes et legendes berberes en Tachelhait. Rabat. PubLg: French. Cat: sample texts, Tashlhiyt.

Roux, Arsene. 1942b. Recits contes et legendes dans le parler des Beni Mtir. Rabat. PubLg: French. Cat: sample texts, Beni Mtir, textbook.

Roux, Arsene. 1949. L’epreuve de grammaire au Brevet de berbere. Rabat. PubLg: French. Cat: grammar.

Roux, Arsene. 1950a. Initiation au theme berbere. Rabat. PubLg: French. Cat: syntax.

Roux, Arsene. 1950b. Petit guide de conversation berbere. Rabat. PubLg: French. Cat: textbook.

Roux, Arsene. 1951a. Choix de versions berberes. Bayonne. PubLg: French. Cat: sample texts, Tashlhiyt.

Roux, Arsene. 1951b. Quelques remarques sur la formation des noms de tribus chez les Berberophones du Maroc. In Act. Mem. IIIe Congr. Topon. Anthropon., 485-90. PubLg: French. Cat: tribal names, Morocco.

Roux, Arsene. 1955. La vie berbere par les textes. Collection de textes berberes marocains, vol. 1. Paris: l’Institut des Hautes Etudes Marocaines. PubLg: French. Cat: sample texts, Morocco, Tashlhiyt.

Rovsing Olsen, M. 1984. Chants de mariage de l’Atlas marocain. These de Doctorat. Paris: Universite de Paris X. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber songs, Atlas, Morocco.

Saib, Jilali. 1974. Gemination and Spirantization in Berber: Diachrony and Synchrony. Studies in African Linguistics 5: 1-26. PubLg: English. Cat: phonology.

Saib, Jilali. 1976a. A phonological Study of Tamazight Berber, Dialect of the Ayt Ndhir. Ph. D. Thesis. LA: UCLA. PubLg: English. Cat: phonology, Tamazight, Ayt Ndhir.

Saib, Jilali. 1976b. Schwa Insertion in Berber: Un Probleme de Choix. Afroasiatic Linguistics 3/4: 71-83. PubLg: French. Cat: Chadic languages, Berber language.

Saib, Jilali. 1977a. A Phonological Study of Tamazight Berber: Dialect of the Ayt Ndhir. Dissertation Abstracts International 37: 6448A 49A. PubLg: English. Cat: Chadic languages, Berber language, Tamazight, Ayt Ndhir.

Saib, Jilali. 1977b. The treatment of geminates: evidence from Berber. Studies in African Linguistics 8: 299-316. PubLg: English. Cat: phonology, gemination.

Saib, Jilali. 1978. Segment organization and the syllable in Tamazight Berber. In Syllables and Segments, 93-104. Bell, A. and J. B. Hooper (eds.). Amsterdam: North-Holland. PubLg: English. Cat: phonology, syllabification, Tamazight, Ayt Ndhir.

Sanchez, Perez A. 1943. El nombre bereber de Zamora. Africa, September, 11-13. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: lexicography, Zamora.

Sarnelli, Tommaso. 1924-25. Linguaggi coloniali ignorati. Naples. PubLg: Italian. Cat: sample texts, supplement to Africa italiana, Sokna.

Sarnelli, Tommasso. 1948. A propos du nom berbere tizri dans le ‘Guide d’oculiste de l’arabo-espagnol Muhammed al-Gafiqi.’ In Act. XXIe Congr. Intern. Orient., 315-16. PubLg: French. Cat: historical linguistics.

Sarnelli, Tommasso. 1957. Sull’origine del nome Imazigen. In Memorial Andre Basset, 131-8. Paris: A. Maisonneuve. PubLg: Italian. Cat: historical linguistics, Imazigen.

Sarrionandia, Pedro. 1906. Gramatica de la lengua rifena. Tangiers. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: grammar, phonology, morphology, syntax.

Sarrionandia, Pedro. 1907. Contestacion de P. Pedro H. Sarrionandia al Sr. Rene Basset. Tangiers. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: grammar, Rif.

Sarrionandia, Pedro. 1909. Noticia sobre la lengua que se hablo en el Rif. Tangiers. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: Berber language, Rifian.

Saulcy, Louis F. de. 1849. Observations sur l’alphabet Tifinag. Journal Asiatique 4/13: 247-64. PubLg: French. Cat: orthography, Tifinigh.

Schirmer, H. 1892. De nomine et genere populorum qui berberi vulgo dicuntur. Paris. PubLg: Latin. Cat: lexicography.

Schmidt, Vidal F. 1945. Ensayo sobre linguistica en el Rif Occidental. Africa, October, 32-7. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: Berber language, Rifian.

Scholz, Johann M. A. 1824. Reise in der Gengend zwischen Alexandrien und Paratonium. Leipzig. PubLg: German. Cat: Berber language, glossary, Siwa.

Schuchardt, Hugo E. M. 1908. Berberische Studien. Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes 22: 245-64, 351-84. PubLg: German. Cat: morphology, glossary.

Schuchardt, Hugo E. M. 1912. Zu berberischen Substantiven auf –im. Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes 26: 163-70. PubLg: German. Cat: morphology.

Schuchardt, Hugo E. M. 1913. Baskisch und Hamitisch. Paris. PubLg: German. Cat: comparative linguistics, glossary, Basque, African languages.

Schuchardt, Hugo E. M. 1916. Berberische Hiatustilgung. Sitzungsberichte der K. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, vol. 182. PubLg: German. Cat: phonology.

Schuchardt, Hugo E. M. 1918. Die romanischen Lehnworter im Berberischen. Sitzungsberichte der K. Akademie Wissenschaften in Wien, vol. 188. PubLg: German. Cat: lexicography, comparative linguistics.

Schuchardt, Hugo E. M. 1922. Ein auffallender Gebrauch des Genetivs im Berberischen. Z. Sem. verw. Geb. 1: 227-9. PubLg: German. Cat: morphology.

Scmitt-Brandt, R. 1979. Berber Influences in Maghrebian Arabic. Folia Linguistica 13/3-4: 229-35. PubLg: English. Cat: comparative linguistics, North Africa, Arabic.

Servier, Jean. 1955. Chants des femmes de l’Aures. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: songs, Aures.

Shaler, William. 1823. On the language, manners and customs of the Berbers. Philadelphia. PubLg: English. Cat: ethnography, Berber language, letters to Peter Du Ponceau.

Shaler, William. 1826. Sketches of Algiers. Boston. PubLg: English. Cat: ethnography, Algiers, Algieria, Berber language.

Shaw, Thomas. 1738. Travels and observations relating to several parts of Barbary and the Levant. Oxford. PubLg: English. Cat: Berber language, glossary, Zouave.

Sierakowski, A. 1871. Das Schaui: ein Beitrag zur berberischen Sprachen- und Volkerkunde. Dresden. PubLg: German. Cat: Berber language, Schaui.

Smith, Neil V., Ianthi Maria Tsimpli, and Jamal Ouhalla. 1993. Learning the Impossible: The Acquisition of Possible and Impossible Languages by a Polyglot Savant. Lingua: International Review of General Linguistics 91/4: 279-347. PubLg: English. Cat: syntax, Berber language learning.

Stanley, C. W. D. 1912a. A report on the oasis of Siwa. Cairo. PubLg: English. Cat: Berber language.

Stanley, C. W. D. 1912b. The Siwan language and vocabulary. In Jl. R. Afr. Soc., 438-57. PubLg: English. Cat: Berber language, Siwa.

Stroomer, Harry J. Forthcoming(?). Dictionnaire Tachelhit-Francais. ms.(?). PubLg: French. Cat: glossary, Tashlhiyt.

Stumme, Hans. 1894. Elf Stucke im Silha-Dialekt von Tazerwalt. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft 48: 22-8. PubLg: German. Cat: sample texts, Tashlhiyt, Tazerwalt.

Stumme, Hans. 1895a. Dichtkunst und Geichte der Schluh. Leipzig. PubLg: German. Cat: poetry, Tashlhiyt.

Stumme, Hans. 1895b. Marchen der Schluh von Tazerwalt. Leipzig. PubLg: German. Cat: sample texts, Tashlhiyt, Tazerwalt.

Stumme, Hans. 1899. Handbuch des Schilhischen von Tazerwalt. Leipzig: Hinrichs. PubLg: German. Cat: grammar, Tashlhiyt, Tazerwalt, phonology, morphology, syntax, glossary.

Stumme, Hans. 1900. Marchen der Berbern von Tamazratt in Sudtunisien. Leipzig. PubLg: German. Cat: sample texts, Tamazratt, Tunisia.

Stumme, Hans. 1907. Mitteilungen eines Schilh uber seine marokkanische Heimat. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft 61: 503-41. PubLg: German. Cat: sample texts, Tashlhiyt, Morocco.

Stumme, Hans. 1914. Eine Sammlung uber den berberischen Dialekt der Oase Siwe. Verhandlung der Kaiserliche Sachsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig 66: 91-109. PubLg: German. Cat: glossary, Siwa.

Stumme, Hans. 1927. Eine sonderbare Anwendung von Akkusativkonfixen im Berberischen. In Festschrift Meinhof, 81-87. Hamburg. PubLg: German. Cat: morphology, syntax, Tashlhiyt, Kabyle.

Stumme, Hans. 1928. Arabische und berberische Dialekte. Berlin. PubLg: German. Cat: bibliography, Arabic.

Tabory, Ephraim and Mala Tabory. 1987. Berber unrest in Algeria: lessons for language policy. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 63: 63-79. PubLg: English. Cat: sociolinguistics, Algeria.

Tabory, Mala and Ephraim Tabory. 1986. Berber demands for linguistic rights in Algeria. In Plural societies 16/2: 126-160. PubLg: English. Cat: sociolinguistics, Algeria.

Taifi, Miloud. 1997. Le Lexique berbere: Entre l'emprunt massif et la neologie sauvage. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 123: 61-80. PubLg: French. Cat: glossary, Arabic borrowings, neologism

Tangi, Oufae. 1991. Aspects de la phonologie d’un parler berbere du Maroc: Ath-Sidhar (Rif). Doctorat d’Etat. Paris: Universite de Paris VIII. PubLg: French. Cat: phonology, Morocco, Ath-Sidhar, Rifian.

Tauxier, H. 1861. Examen des traditions grecques, latines et musulmanes Relatives a l’origine du peuple berbere. Algiers. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber history.

Tilmatine, Mohamed. 1989. Theories on the Origin of the Berbers. Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere (June) 18: 83-89. PubLg: English. Cat: Berber history, historical linguistics?

Tovar, A. No date. Los estudios berberes en relacion con Espana. In Cuadernos de estudios africanos, 113-24. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: bibliography.

Tovar, A. 1943. Papeletas de epigrafia libica. In B. Sem. Est. Arte Arqueol. Valladolid., 33-52. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: orthography, Libyan.

Trabut, Louis. 1935. Repertoire des noms indigenes des plantes spontanees cultivees et utilisees dans le Nord de l’Afrique. Algiers. PubLg: French. Cat: glossary, North Africa.

Trotter, A. 1915. Flore economica della Libia. Rome. PubLg: Italian. Cat: lexicography.

Vallicrosa, Jose M. 1923-24. Textes magics del Nord d’Africa. Bull. Ass. cat. antrop. etno. preh. 1: 147-60; 2: 85-100. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: sample texts, North Africa.

Venture de Paradis, Jean Michel de. 1832. Principes de la langue berbere. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: Berber language, grammar, glossary.

Venture de Paradis, Jean Michel de. 1844. Grammaire et dictionnaire abreges de la langue berbere. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: grammar, glossary, Kabyle, Tamazight.

Virolle-Souibes, Marie. 1985. Gestes emblematiques masculins et mixtes a Alger et en Kabylie. Geste & Image 4: 69-107. PubLg: French. Cat: sociolinguistics, Algeria, Kabyle.

Voigt, Rainer M. 1986. (Berber Phonology). Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 8/1: 67-72. PubLg: German. Cat: phonology, morphology.

Vycichl, Werner. No date. Punischer Spracheinfluss im Berberischen. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 11: 198-204. PubLg: German. Cat: historical linguistics.

Vycichl, Werner. 1948. L’histoire de la langue berbere. In Act. XXIe Congr. Intern. Orient., 319-20. PubLg: French. Cat: historical linguistics.

Vycichl, Werner. 1951. Eine vorhamitischen Sprachschicht im Altagyptischen. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft 101: 67-77. PubLg: German. Cat: historical linguistics, Egyptian.

Vycichl, Werner. 1952a. Das berberische Perfekt. Rivista degli Studi Orientali 27: 74-83. PubLg: German. Cat: morphology.

Vycichl, Werner. 1952b. Introduction al estudio de la lengua de la historia de Canarias. La Laguna de Tenerife. PubLg: Spanish. Cat: Berber language, Canary Islands.

Vycichl, Werner. 1952c. Die Nisbe-Formationem im Berberischen. Analli, Istituto Universitario Orientale, Sezione Linguistica 4: 111-17. PubLg: German. Cat: morphology.

Vycichl, Werner. 1954. Der Umlaut im Berberischen des Djebel Nefusa in Tripolitanien. Analli, Istituto Universitario Orientale, Sezione Linguistica 6: 145-52. PubLg: German. Cat: phonology, Djebel, Nefusa, Tripolitania.

Vycichl, Werner. 1957. L’article defini du berbere. In Memorial Andre Basset, 139-46. Paris: A. Maisonneuve. PubLg: French. Cat: phonology, syntax, morphology.

Vycichl, Werner. 1961. Diminutiv and Argumentativ in Berberischen. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft 111: 243-53. PubLg: German. Cat: morphology.

Vycichl, Werner. 1992. Der Ursprung der Partikel ad zur Bildung des Konjunktivs, des Optativs und des Futurum in Berberischen. Frankfurter Afrikanistische Blatter 4: 82-85. PubLg: German. Cat: morphology.

Wagner, M. L. 1936. Restos de latinidad en el Norte de Africa. Coimbra. PubLg: Portugese?. Cat: Berber history.

Walker, W. Seymour. 1921. The Siwi language. London. PubLg: English. Cat: Berber language, Siwa, sample texts, glossary, maps.

Warden, -. 1836. Esquisse sur le systeme grammatical de la langue berbere. Paris. PubLg: French. Cat: grammar, Algeria.

Werner, Alice. 1925. The Language Families of Africa. London. PubLg: English. Cat: historical linguistics.

Westermarck, E. 1913. Nomina im status aboslutus und status annexus in der sudmarokkanischen Berbersprache. Ofers. Fins. Vet. Soc. Forh., vol. 56, no. 3. PubLg: German. Cat: morphology, Morocco, morpho-phonology, Tashlhiyt.

Willms, Alfred. 1962. Zur Phonologie der langen Konsonanten im Kabylischen. Zeitschrift fur Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung 15: 103-9. PubLg: German. Cat: phonology.

Willms, Alfred. 1966. Auswahlbibliographie des berberologischen Schrifttums. Afrika and Ubersee 50: 64-128. PubLg: German. Cat: bibilography.

Willms, Alfred. 1972. Grammatik der sudlichen Beraberdialekte (Sud-marokko). Gluckstadt: Augustin. PubLg: German. Cat: grammar, phonology, Morocco.

Willms, Alfred. 1986. Die Verbreitung von Problemlosungen bei Konsonantenhaufung in der Verbindung Praposition plus Nomen in Berberischen. Afrika und Ubersee: Sprachen Kulturen 69/1: 1-17. PubLg: German. Cat: morphophonology, consonant cluster reduction, prepositional phrases.

Wolfel, Dominik J. 1953a. Le probleme des rapports du Berbere. Hesperis 40: 523. PubLg: French. Cat: comparative linguistics.

Wolfel, Dominik J. 1953b. Le probleme des rapports du Guanche et du Berbere. Hesperis 40:523-7. PubLg: French. Cat: comparative linguistics, Canary Islands.

Wolfel, Dominik J. 1954. Les noms de nombre dans le parler Guanche des Iles Canaries. Hesperis 41: 47-79. PubLg: French. Cat: lexicography, Canary Islands.

Wolfel, Dominik J. 1957. Dilettantismus und Sharlatanarie und die Eforschung der Eingeborenensprache der Kanarische Inseln. In Memorial Andre Basset, 147-58. Paris, A. Maisonneuve. PubLg: German. Cat: historical linguistics, Canary Islands.

Youssi, A. 1990. Lexical processes in the Berber of the media in Morocco. In La linguistique au Maghreb, 264-281. Rabat: Okad. PubLg; English. Cat: sociolinguistics, Morocco.

Zafrani, Haim. 1988. Conscience historique et univers culturel judeo berberes au Maroc. In FUCUS: A Semitic/Afrasian Gathering in Rememberance of Albert Ehrman, 499-517. Arbeitman, Yoel L. (ed). Amsterdam: Benjamins. PubLg: French. Cat: lexicography, phonology, Morocco, Jews.

Zanon, F. 1932. A proposito di studi berberistici. In L’Oltremare, 333-4. PubLg: Italian. Cat: Berber language.

Zanon, F. 1933. Contributo alla conoscenza linguistico-etnografica dell’oasi di Augila. In Africa italiana, 259-70. PubLg: Italian. Cat: ethnography, Berber language, Oasis of Augila.

Zohrer, L. 1939. Uber den Anwendugnsbereich des Tifinag in der Sahara. Archiv fur Anthropologie 25: 134-6. PubLg: German. Cat: orthography, Tifinigh, Sahara.

Zyhlarz, Ernst. 1932. Die Sprache Numidiens. Zeitschrift fur Eingeborenen-Sprachen, vol. 19. PubLg: German. Cat: historical linguistics, Numidian.

Zyhlarz, Ernst. 1933. Baskisch-afrikanische Sprachverwandtschaft. Anthropos, September. PubLg: German. Cat: comparative linguistics, Basque.

Zyhlarz, Ernst. 1934. Konkordanz agyptischer und libyscher Verbalstammtypen. Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 70: 107-22. PubLg: German. Cat: comparative linguistics, Egyptian, Libyan.

Zyhlarz, Ernst. 1935. Altere und jungere Pluralbildung in Berberischen. Zeitschrift fur Eingeborenen-Sprachen 22: 1-15. PubLg: German. Cat: morphology.

Zyhlarz, Ernst. 1936. Das geschichtliche Fundament der Hamitensprachen. Afrika 9: 440. PubLg: German. Cat: historical linguistics.

Zyhlarz, Ernst. 1950. Das kanarische Berberisch in seinem sprachgeschichtlichen Milieu. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft 100: 403-60. PubLg: German. Cat: comparative linguistics, Canary Islands.

Source: Swarthmore College

Voir aussi: A Bibliography of Berber Language Materials [A-F]

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